The ballroom concert was the last of the big mid-semester crunch times. The first was finishing my honors thesis in January. Next was Dancesport, and then Concert. It was way stressful to keep up with classes while preparing to perform in front of thousands of people. In fact, I was in tears Friday morning after 3 hours of practice, only 4 hours of sleep, and almost a day with no food. But the stress didn't get to us. All our performances this year went so well! For the second time ever, I've managed to be on a team that actually impressed Brent. Our lines were great, nobody fell, and people actually said that our perf

Concert highlights:
- Mike's face when I found him in the audience afterward.
- The random lady that stopped me to feel the furry shoulder of my dress (our finale dressed were these bizarre black and white affairs with fur and feathers.
- Being introduced as "U.S. National Formation Dance Champions, the BYU Ballroom Dance Company!" even though I have nothing to do with that title.
- The Wendy's napkin that fell out of one of our girls' dresses ON STAGE. (To protect the innocent, I'm not giving names.)
- The CELL PHONE that fell out of one of the 10:00 team boys' tail suits. And opened on the floor. Honestly, now.
- The roses our partners gave us. Awww.
- Finally getting to dance in dresses that were actually flattering. Kristen said that from the audience all the girls looked tiny in them. I like being tiny. :)
- NOT having to gel my hair and glue rhinestones on my ears and down my part come Sunday.
(Note: The picture above is tour team, not us. I don't have any of us yet.)
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